Here you can see all available conversion options which you can use within the "options" section of conversions (see the example JSON below the table).
Here you can see all available conversion options which you can use within the "options" section of conversions (see the example JSON on the right).
Option Name | Description |
Type: boolean Default: False |
If the conversion produces more than one output file, by default all of them are compressed in just one file. Set this option to true if you want a download link for each file. |
Type: integer Minimum: 2 Maximum: 400 |
Type: string Enum: low medium high best |
If set, this option tries to compress your file with no perceivable loss of quality |
Type: string Enum: gif jpg png |
Sets the target format if it's different from the input's file format |
Type: string Pattern: ^[ -~]{0,1000}$ Example: secret_password |
A password to protect the download. To download the file send the password in the x-oc-download-password header or set a cookie named x-oc-download-password. The value contains a comma separated list of passwords. |
POST /v2/jobs HTTP/1.1
X-Oc-Api-Key: <your API key here>
Content-Type: application/json
"input": [{
"type": "remote",
"source": ""
"conversion": [{
"category": "operation",
"target": "compress",
"options": {
<conversion options here>